
Guest Collaboration

I believe the only proper way to excuse yet another leave of absence is to share some unbelievably exciting news. First off, I have at last hopped on the iPhone train, and yes, as cliche as it may sound, I have been in electronic heaven since the moment my dear phone was placed in my hands. Not only does it allow me to be more in touch with the blogoshphere but, I can finally take part in all those cool photo apps (hence, my over excitement about the above creation). In other news, I am very excited, honored and pleased to say that after almost one year of blogging, I have finally landed my first advertisement collaboration with the European fashion site very.co.uk! Gasp. I couldn't be more grateful, they have an excellent selection of on-trend pieces for next to nothing, if only I lived in the UK! It's always okay to dream, here is an article written on behalf of the department store (click the bottom link to view it).

Enjoy, and follow me on Instagram @allisonmadmoda

p.s. I am working on the photoshoot shortage issue, it's a shame but expect more outfit posts soon!

Make your swimwear last longer this summer

Every woman has a favourite bikini or swimsuit. It comes out of the drawer time and time again and without fail fills you with a body confidence you forgot you had. As you slip it on, you are instantly ready for summer.
As such, it can be heartbreaking when you begin to realise that it is losing stretch or fading. Here are some great tips on how to prolong the life of new women’s swimwear to help you hang on to your favourite style that bit longer.
Effective chlorine and chemical removal is key to making bikinis and swimsuits live longer. Get yours ready for the next trip to the beach by washing it in cold water using a mild washing detergent, before rinsing thoroughly. Squeeze out and leave it to dry naturally: using a tumble dryer will damage the elasticity of the lycra and leave your suit sagging in all the wrong places.
If there’s a lasting chlorine smell from too many dips in the pool, a chlorine remover (available from most pet stores) should sort this out. Dilute it in water and leave your suit to soak for several minutes. It’ll be summer fresh just as soon as it is dry. Vinegar can be a good alternative if you cannot get hold of a remover.
Whilst on holiday, you can take care of your bikini by rinsing it out thoroughly in cold water each night to help neutralize the effect of the chemicals from the pool. Tempting as it is on a sunny getaway, do not allow your costume to dry in the sun as this is sure to lead to colour fade before long.
A more indulgent way of prolonging the life of your swimwear is to make sure you switch between plenty of styles when you are away! Wearing a different suit each day is not only fun, it will also mean they last longer in the chlorine environment.

And if after all this you discover that your favourite bikini has truly given up the ghost, it may be time to find your new perfect swimwear partner. With over 400 styles to choose from, and the latest in this season’s trends from the high street’s leading brands, Very.co.uk is a great place to start your search! 

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